Sunday, September 30, 2012

Blog 6: Second Interview Questions

1. How long has Chino Community Theatre been running?
2. I see CCT has been awarded Best Community Theatre in the Nation in 2009. What are the qualifications for that award and what are CCT's qualities that helped it get that award?
3. Can you tell me the achievements of some of the actors that have worked here?
4. Overall, how are your reviews for CCT's performances and who has given your reviews?
5. How did CCT start and how did the company grow?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Blog 4: Project Reflection and Working EQ

The Pentagon

  • Positive Statement: What positive thing happened as a result of what you have completed so far? 
I've gotten a lot of connections to different theaters with different productions and directors. I look forward to working with as many as possible and learning each production's approach to expressing theatre and possibly find one that suits me as a performer. 
  • EQ Content: Pick a piece of your research or your interview. How has it helped you improve your understanding of your topic? 
I've been jumping through books about theatre but this book called "Improvisation for the Theater: Third Edition" By Viola Spolin. The book is mostly geared towards improv but the introduction is one of the best written pieces on general theatre I've read. I've never been able to describe the feeling I get doing theatre and what makes me so passionate about it, but this book really does explain it really well. I understand that most people have a different feeling and sensation when doing theatre, and the book is able to word it in a way in which all performers, improv based or not, can connect with. 
  • What has worked for you so far in your senior topic?
How easily I can get connections. Most theaters take in volunteers all the time because they'd always like the extra help. I've also worked in theatre as a performer for around 5 years now, so I know my way around quite easily. 
  • What hasn't worked so far? 
I think it's a bit too early in the year for me to state specifically.  In the year in general, just switching topics. Yet, I feel that I did it early enough so the switch wasn't so much of a hassle. 
  • Finding Value
-Some minor questions such as, 
"How to find the balance between talent and hard work."
"What makes you stand out in theatre?"
"How to effectively find out the best theatrical method for you."

-My end goal is to develop my skills as a performer as much as possible and hopefully, while doing this project, I can help others in drama at iPoly develop as well. 

-Well last time I talked to a director in which he stated to talk to actors as well. Preferably who you thought was the worst actor, and who was the best actor. If you've got skills as a performance critic, their answers will reflect their performance. I've never thought of that approach and I'm now curious on their answers actually. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

SF Blog A: Problem Statement

  • Topic
Theatrical Performance

  • Problem?
- Cutting the budgets of drama programs or cutting it completely.
- Acting Opportunities 

  • What will you do when you solve the problem?
- I would probably go to different schools and ask about their budget for their drama program, if any. Then based on those results, try to find the best solution to keep drama programs in schools with the best tactics to save money. 
- Same technique in a way. Survey different actors and their "status" as an actor.  Where and when they got their first acting job and from the data, find the best locations for opportunities. Then tell schools with drama programs to give out the information to their students and hopefully they'll be a bit more confident auditioning. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Blog 3: Interview Preparation

  • Who do I plan to interview? Why? 
I plan on interviewing Ralph Seymour or Greg Cohen for my senior topic. Cohen is a community theater director, particularly for the one in Long Beach. He has partnered with Mr. Hogan in the past and has been in this field for over 2 decades so he's extremely knowledgeable on theatre and stage. Seymour teaches theater at a high school and does plays at his local community theater many times. 

  • What additional questions do you plan to ask? 
  1. Can you tell me your background history in theatre? 
  2. What got you into theatre and what made you stick with it for so long? 
  3. What advice would you give to young actors/performers? 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Blog 2: Topic Choice

  • Decision

My senior topic of choice right now is Stage Acting/Theatre. I had an inside illness so to speak when I was little. I refused to go outside if I could help it. My mother decided to put me in a summer play in the summer before 8th grade to see if I could find something outside that I'd enjoy. I loved it. The concept of becoming someone else in order to express yourself came natural to me. When I entered high school, I joined the improv team and suddenly all those hours I put into video games and building fantasy worlds was put to use, in the form of entertaining people. Making up stories and playing made up characters in order to make people smile and laugh, gave me the greatest feeling.

  • ESLRs
Effective Learner: I plan to take on the challenge of taking this topic to a more research standpoint rather than just doing it. The concepts behind it and what drives a successful end product. 
Effective Communicator: I plan on being able to communicate well with not only the director, but the other performers and the stage crew as well. We all work as a whole to put on the play. If any of the parts don't communicate well within each other, the entire play busts. 
Effective iPoly Citizen: I plan to understand and acknowledge the deadlines and attendance set for rehearsals and plays. Every role is significant. Listen to everyone around me and take criticism about my performance in order to improve my skills to the best of my ability.  
Effective User of Technology: I plan to use technology for more of research sake. Learn new techniques and try to apply it in theatre. In the past, I watched a lot of youtube in order to learn accents, voices, and styles of humor.