Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

  • Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component. 
I plan on using iPoly's fall play for my independent component or leading improv so we can improve for Fullerton Festival in Spring. If I can, possibly perform in a play outside of school. Although, that's significantly harder to get into due to the fact that the amount of competition increases. I'm scared of the intense-ness of other performers...
All of them are different types of theatrical performance, improv is just without the use of a script. (One less thing to keep track of.) I'm fairly active in both it would be easy and fun for me to do. 

  • Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.
iPoly's fall play rehearsal schedule in itself will fulfill my 30 hours. It's basically my senior year. I rehearse 3 days a week, from 3:15-5:15 until the beginning of December. If everything goes according to schedule, 50 hours worth of rehearsal. During the week of December, we extend to dress and tech rehearsal which go from 4pm to 8pm. 58 hours. Then the four two-hour performances themselves, for a total of at least 66 hours
Woo rehearsals.

Improv will be a little harder to get hours. I'm one of the co-captains for this year's improv team and it comes in two parts. Part one: Rehearsal every thursday from 3:15-5:15 on average. If I take the due date of February 1st, we'll have approximately 15 rehearsals which lead up to 30 hours. Part 2: I meet with Rachel Wampler, the other co-captain once a week for about an hour to arrange that week's rehearsal. So all that together totals up to around 45 hours. Give or take a few because our meeting times vary. 
Woo more rehearsals.

  • How does your independent study component relate to your working EQ?
Well, my working EQ is "What is the most important aspect/factor to becoming a successful performer?" or something along those lines. In a way, I'll have to look at the role of a performer in a different way than I normally do. For the past few years, I just found MY character and did MY lines. This year, I'll have to broaden my vision. It's not just me performing, everyone else that sets foot on stage is in the same position I'm in. I kinda have to figure out how we, as a cohesive unit, consider ourselves successful performers. I'll work my way up from there.